I am announcing my own workshop:
The Incel Conversion Convention: Make Men Great…. Finally!
The Incel Conversion Convention makes its debut in our founding city of Northampton, MA. Men today are experiencing frustration that women are assuming their natural places as equals, excelling in college, the job force, and even politics. This leaves many men feeling angry because, well… they have been socialized to process the full range of all their complex emotions as rage.
Where has that led us? None of these successful women want to have sex with Neanderthals, much less procreate with them. This confuses and frustrates men who have been raised on porn videos in households where they were deprived of basic instruction on how to care for their own selves, as well as how to view the other half of the world as human beings worthy of the same rights and privileges that they enjoy.
Now that several generations of women have entered the workforce, and no longer need to depend on an abusive husband for survival, men are realizing that if they ever want to share their life with a woman, some serious reprogramming is in order… and that ‘s where we come in.
Sign up for the Incel Conversion Convention! You will unlearn the toxic bullying machismo dogma that eclipsed your naturally innate, empathetic, intelligent human nature that allowed you to recognize women as your equal (and often, your superior). Imagine the freedom of being so secure in your identity that you no longer view everything as a competition, and no longer walk the earth looking for a fight with anyone who challenges your fragile, socially constructed “masculinity”.
EXPERIENCE a miraculous month-long event with iconic speakers gathered from the worldwide feminist community to dramatically improve your life. Learn to cultivate the physique and level of grooming that successful women prefer. Discover how to find the energy to do your share of the chores after your long day at work, and how to cook to please her, while fulfilling her dietary needs. Cultivate your emotional intelligence. Learn how to support her career and be the kind of man she would be proud to introduce to her colleagues. Gain an edge over other men by internalizing 21st century concepts, like emotional labor, diaper changing, foreplay, and the female orgasm.
Brought together to create positive media for men, make men great (finally!) and help supercharge your personal growth on the path to becoming your very own Ideal Man.
© Kate Kretz, 2020